It’s Time You Saw What We’re Made Of.
By The Way, It’s A Heck Of A Lot.


“I feel bad. I brought my wife aboard to help me out with Marketing, but since I have to be meeting with clients all the time, I’ve never properly trained her on a true Marketing role she can call her own. So she’s had to kind of figure a lot of this out by herself with random articles she reads or the next shiny tool I find. Something has to change. She deserves better. I need a Marketing Manager Mentor with a real program to invest in her growth – and in turn, mine.”

Get under the hood and take a closer look at what Marketing Manager Mentor provides you.

Each track is comprised of 5-6 different modules. Each module typically has 5 lessons, so we aim to teach a minimum of 1-2 lessons per week in our meeting, if not more. The lessons are accompanied by helpful training videos, daily tasks, tools and a quiz at the end of each module (80% score to pass).

We’ll be able to track how many lessons your manager has finished on their way to completing each module.

Let’s use our Marketing Action Plan track as an illustration.

In this track, your manager will learn how to incorporate an effective marketing strategy into an overall action plan that can guide your marketing-related projects and growth.
First, the Marketing Manager will download a Marketing Action Plan Workbook as well as either a B2B Marketing Action Plan or B2C Marketing Action Plan. These items will be helpful as the manager or coordinator works their way through our first track together.

How do you attract more ideal clients? How can you stand out and make the competition irrelevant? What are the most profitable ways for you to attract new business? It’s all contained here for your manager and so much more, including how to:

At the end of this first track, your Marketing Manager or Marketing Coordinator will present a finalized Marketing Action Plan to you and us.

Remember, this is not an academic exercise. It’s a real, living, evolving plan that your organization can rely upon for a marketing direction and your Marketing person – with the help of their Marketing Manager Mentor – is going to deliver it! Talk about a growth opportunity.

That’s right. Everything they have been doing for the last 90 days will culminate in this moment where you get to truly appreciate how much they’ve learned. And this is only the first track of our program!

Why Choose Us

Rapid Learning

Real-world ready training each week, month and quarter. Not years.

Proven Technique

Learn the marketing system responsible for the success of thousands of small businesses.

One on One

Have an accomplished Chief Marketing Officer as your mentor.

More Valuable

Contribution from your Marketing Manager becomes more valuable to your business growth.